Precision-Matched Startup Opportunities

Discover startups that match with your investment thesis.

Used by big-players, appreciated by everybody.

Kiota Curated Dealflow is Precision-Matched Investment Scouting

We sift through startups, handpicking only those that align seamlessly with your unique investment thesis. Dive into a curated realm where quality meets relevance.

Personalized Matching

A tailored approach to finding startups. Using advanced algorithms and criteria-based matching, discover opportunities that align seamlessly with your investment thesis.

Personalized Matching Algorithm

Intelligent algorithms curate startups that align seamlessly with your specific preferences.

Quality Scoring System

Evaluate startup potential with a systematic scoring, providing clarity on promising ventures.

Sector & Stage Filters

Refine your search with precise filters, narrowing down to the exact stage and sector you target.

In-Depth Insights & Analysis

Go beyond the surface. Dive deep into comprehensive startup profiles, analyze emergent trends, and ensure utmost discretion with robust confidentiality measures.

Detailed Startup Profiles

Gain an in-depth view of startups, from their mission to metrics, ensuring transparency.

Trend Analysis Dashboard

Stay ahead with real-time trend analytics, identifying emerging patterns in the startup ecosystem.

Confidentiality Controls

Your insights are safeguarded with robust controls, ensuring discretion in all evaluations.

Engagement & Collaboration

Engage directly and collaborate efficiently. Instantly connect with founders, fine-tune your dealflow with continuous feedback, and share promising prospects with your network.

Instant Connection

ridge the gap instantly, facilitating seamless communications with promising startups.

Feedback Loop

Continuously refine your preferences, ensuring your dealflow remains relevant and dynamic.

Collaboration Tools

Share insights, collaborate on evaluations, and streamline your investment decision-making.

Our amazing sales team will help you to choose the right solution for you.

At Kiota we are changing the way we manage your investments. We really think differently.