Investment Mastery at Your Fingertips

Vertical CRM designed for startup investment for VCs, BAs,  accelerators and incubators, tailored to your unique strategy.

Used by big-players, appreciated by everybody.

Kiota is an enterpreneur-first Intelligent Vertical SaaS for early stage investors.

Designed to cater to the specific needs and nuances of startup investment. Unlike generic CRM solutions, Kiota’s vertical CRM focuses on functionalities vital for investment success, such as dealflow management, startup evaluation, portfolio management, and more. It's your one-stop platform for everything investment-related.

Receive Dealflow

Stay connected to a world of opportunities. Receive tailored dealflow matched to your investment criteria, ensuring you never miss a promising startup.

Tailored Recommendations

Benefit from a smart algorithm that understands your investment criteria, ensuring that you receive startup opportunities perfectly aligned with your interests.

Global Reach

Expand your horizons with access to a global pool of startups. Regardless of where they are, if they match your criteria, they're on your radar.

Evaluate Startups

Make informed decisions with Kiota's advanced analytics. Assess startup potential, risk, and return with comprehensive insights.

Data-Driven Insights

Utilize advanced analytics to assess startups from multiple angles. From financial health to growth potential, get a comprehensive view based on solid data.

Customizable Evaluation Criteria

Tailor your evaluation process to what matters most to your investment strategy. Set your parameters with the scorecard.

Risk Assessment & Mitigation

Understand the risks before you invest. Create redflags that warn of deviations in your analysis parameters.

Portfolio Management

Manage your entire investment portfolio from one intuitive dashboard. Monitor performance, analyze trends, and make strategic decisions with ease.

Comprehensive Overview

Manage all your investments from a single, intuitive dashboard. Get a bird's-eye view or dive deep into individual assets.

Performance Monitoring & Analysis

Track the performance of your portfolio in real-time. Utilize sophisticated analytics to understand trends, compare against benchmarks, and uncover insights to enhance your investment strategy.

Strategic Planning Tools

Automatically request KPIs periodically, add notes, schedule meetings, send emails, etc.

Generate & Share Reports

Create insightful reports effortlessly and share them with your team or Limited Partners. Enhance collaboration and transparency within your investment journey.

Automated Reporting

Save time and effort with Kiota's automated reporting features. Schedule regular updates to your team or Limited Partners, ensuring consistent and timely communication without the manual hassle.

Collaboration Tools

Connect and engage with a community of like-minded investors. Share opportunities, insights, and collaborate on investment strategies.

Share dealfow

Connect with a network of like-minded investors, accelerators, and business angels. Exchange opportunities, insights, and expertise within Kiota's exclusive community platform, enhancing collective wisdom and collaboration.

Our amazing sales team will help you to choose the right solution for you.

At Kiota we are changing the way we manage your investments. We really think differently.